Sony Xperia XZ2 and Xperia XZ2 Compact got launched in July 2018
In this product review, we will discuss about the unique and magnificent features of Sony Xperia XZ2 and Xperia XZ2 Compact model.
- Both of these smart phones have been loaded with supercharged Android pie and app.
- The newly added Android pie has been added to these two phones of Sony brand and they occupy a space of 1GB in these two smart phone gadgets. This latest version is 5.2 and has many kinds of exciting operating features. Both the models of Sony Xperia have been added with Android 9 pie and they will be promoted more during the month of November 2018. You can use this Android app to activate and surf wi fi connection in this smart phone. You can use it even when power backup is being given to your Sony Xperia smart phone.
Presence of Android 9 makes a great difference
Before using the Android 9 app on your Sony Xperia phone charge it well upto 80 percent. Then you will enjoy more while handling this phone gadget.
- The models Xperia XZ2 and Xperia XZ2 Compact have got a great craze among European customers. They mentioned in one of their threads at Reddit that Android 9 feature should be added in all series of Sony Xperia.
- Even American consumers supported this view and demanded the addition of Android app in all smart phones of Sony Xperia series. The best thing about these devices is that you can customize its settings and calling networks according to the current location where you are.
Sony smart phones accumulate all latest apps
- When you talk about the latest version of Sony Xperia XZ2 and Xperia XZ2 Compact then you will realize that it has versions like 5.11 A. It was updated currently in October 2018. The models having Android pie are having versions like 52.0.
- Many features of these two smart phones were reported on the business blog of Xperia. These Sony smart phones have been found very comfortable to operate apps like Android pie 9. It has been planned that even this Android app will be updated during the next year 2019.